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The #1 Most Trusted and fully User-friendly Online Test exam preparation app. we offer a flawless online Test experience for all major Competitive exams
Various sectors such as railways, banking, SSC, etc., exams like SSC CGL, SSC GD, CHSL, MTS, GATE, REET, CCC, RSCIT, PATWARI, HIGH COURT GROUP D, RAJASTHAN SI, AIRFORCE, NAVY, ARMY, NDA, UPSC CDS, CTET, RRB NTPC, RRB GROUP D, RRB JE, SSC CHSL, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, SSC CPO, IBPS PO, DRDO MTS, DRMC, CIL, LIC Assistant Mains, etc., we aim at providing the best Preparation & learning environment with an end-to-end preparation model. We’ve introduced free mock tests of Subject wise and Exam Wise.
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Nice platform. You can study any time. The instant doubt clearing option is fantastic. Practice set features are quite nice. Daily quizzes and Pdf notes are also available. All my experience with OTSAdda is good so let's see how's my result and I will suggest to all the students to use the OTSAdda app for exam preparation.
This is really amazing. The journey with OTSAdda was amazing... Interaction with the educators was very nice and all the educators are very nice. The best thing is that after using the app, one is free to use anything, and the materials provided by the educators are also very good👍
it's the most amazing online learning platform ... Most of the teachers are highly qualified, were teaching at reputed Intuitions in past, are very much experienced and good at explaining concepts ..it's going to be the no. 1 teaching platform in the coming few years ... Love it and recommended for every competitive exam aspirants from all streams